Case study: Accentuating what matters
Unlike clay cat litter, World’s Best Cat Litter™ uses a patented process to compress naturally absorbent corn into concentrated granules that trap odor and clumps on contact.
It’s former branding was "natural" with neutral colors to appeal to “crunchy” consumers. However, sales lagged as the perception is natural solutions don’t always work as well as synthetic. But WBCL really does work better. And when it comes to litter, there’s really only one thing most cat owners care about: performance.
The task: develop a new brand identity that lets performance drive the story, including a new logo, packaging, campaigns, collateral, website, and videos.
Cat litter is estimated to be over a $1 billion industry in the U.S. … and growing.
The number one reason consumers buy cat litter is for odor control. World’s Best Cat Litter™ truly does control odor the best. Its name is already a tagline. But is it a slogan?
With a separate single line, we repositioned the rest of the market as inferior.
“Buy the best. Or smell the rest.”
Its cadence also has phonic stopping power, significantly aiding consumer recall.
Combined with a bold logo, graphics, and colors that tacitly imply performance and packaging that claims “100% Natural. 110% Performance,” the new branding let’s cat owners know that when it comes to cat litter, there’s no such thing as “good enough.”
With a new slick logo that’s more akin to a performance car logo than an all-natural cat litter, the new brand leads with performance to tell its 100% natural feature. The benefit is always superior odor control, fast clumping, and long-lasting convenience.
The campaign was executed with a series of launch ads, new package designs, new website, blogger outreach, videos, coupons, one-pagers, point-of-purchase, and banner ads.
My role: value proposition, brand development, brand pillars, brand story, campaign concepts, messaging